Thursday, July 23, 2009

r A n d o M

Yesterday went for interview..
At Meru Academy Music Centre..
Successfully got the job and will be start working on next month..
Meaning that, I will be working for 2 jobs..
Meru Music Centre is on weekdays..
While the Saturday 1 will still be teaching as usual..
People ask me.. Am I so desperate for money? Can you cope?
Actually I also don't know.. haha..
Full time students have to work for 2 jobs and still studying and preparing for Grade 8 theory exams...
Busy huh?
Not only that.. Feel stress dEeeeEeEpPpllLy.. hehe..
Thinking to take Diploma In ATCL next year..
Then LTCL..
Then FTCL..
Then DipABRSM.. LRSM.. FRSM.. haha!
Later I will die of depression.. xDD